
Internal Security Fund

The purpose of the Internal Security Fund 2021–2027 is to help ensure a high level of security within the EU (prevention of  crime including cyber-crime, assisting and protecting victims of crimes, preparing for security-related incidents, risks and crises).   


  • Improving information exchange between law enforcement institutions: Implementing and improving information systems, developing their interoperability;
  • Building capacities for joint cross-border operations: Support and development of information systems, international cooperation, acquisition of hardware and software;
  • Building capacities for fighting and preventing crime and terrorism: Implementing and improving information systems, developing their interoperability; building capacities of officials working in the internal security area, acquisition of hardware and software.

Financing (including technical assistance): 

EU funds  

Co-financing funds 





Potential project promoters: Police Department, Department of Informatics and Communications, Financial Crimes Investigation Services, the State Security Department, Special Investigation Service, Customs Department. 

Selection method: state planning method.